Wednesday, July 23, 2008

level design 17

work continues unabated. demo is getting nearer and nearer. we had a few delays with optimisation problems, but i think that is in hand now. i am very nearly finished the level to a satisfactory state. we have some truely incredible visuals. i cannot wait to let people have a wander around, playing with all our cool physics props. it will be great.

some new images.
here is a funky little airvent box thing. i dunno why, but i really like it. its nice and chunky and i like the materials.

here is a still of our turbulent sky.

and a still of the tree.

i wanted something to creat a visual break in the street, but give a sense that there is more to the world beyond. i have settled on an overpass. it looks suitably imposing i think. the lighting really needs addressing soon.

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