Friday, October 17, 2008

Time Out

In the States at the moment taking a little break some scenic photos and texture shots and stuff.
Gonna really get down to work when i get home. Stuff for Rabbit and my portfolio. Another 3 weeks till i get home. Kinda miss it, kinda don't: undecided:)
More updates from myself and irishlostboy soon

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Props WIP 1

This is a pick up truck i'm working on it's been a while since i've put anything up as i have been flat out slaving for savings :) anyways gonna texture and stuff hopefully by tuesday evening. lol if i'm lucky

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Rabbit news

not a lot happening here to show pictures of. the level is still with JamesH. he is working away on physics. doing a fine job i am sure.

i am selling comercial use versions of some of our assets now over on turbosquid.

click the link to go have a look at them, buy them for your own projects etc. i will be adding cool new models there as regularly as i can, so if you are in the market for assets, make it a regular port of call.
i also will be using this page to host my tutorials, so go check them out too. they are of course free.

other news, i have gotten a job. i am doing some freelance work for Dx Studio. making assets for their product demos and that kinda thing. wont make me rich, but will keep the rent paid. this does mean a lot less time for rabbit related 3d, but that does not mean i wont keep my hand it and keep progress happening. slowly perhaps. but slow and steady wins the race. brian will have to step up his production to take the strain. :)
that is about all the solid info i have right now. hopefully before end of september i will have something more interesting to say.

Friday, August 1, 2008

I'd just like to say I am very happy with the way this turned out twas a lot of work but we got there in the end. Tim (irishlostboy) done some truly excellent work with the lighting and tree especially.

Thursday, July 31, 2008

level design 18

we are finished the Rabbit/PhysX/C4 demo level design. it just came to a point of, "finish it now, or continue forever". i am quite happy with the results so far.
sooo, you are all one step closer to playing around in this place.
here are far too many screengrabs, but i am excited to have gotten to a place where i can say "done". yay us

well, done is a relevant term. it still needs optimisation, and sound added. and the physics objects made do their thing, and lots of other little bits and bob's. but the main level is done.....ish. lol

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

level design 17

work continues unabated. demo is getting nearer and nearer. we had a few delays with optimisation problems, but i think that is in hand now. i am very nearly finished the level to a satisfactory state. we have some truely incredible visuals. i cannot wait to let people have a wander around, playing with all our cool physics props. it will be great.

some new images.
here is a funky little airvent box thing. i dunno why, but i really like it. its nice and chunky and i like the materials.

here is a still of our turbulent sky.

and a still of the tree.

i wanted something to creat a visual break in the street, but give a sense that there is more to the world beyond. i have settled on an overpass. it looks suitably imposing i think. the lighting really needs addressing soon.

Friday, July 11, 2008

Video 01

here is a vid of the sky effects. sunlight, moving clouds. water, and the tree in engine. nearly finished the demo level. as you can see, i am going with a more daytime look for the physics demo.

Saturday, July 5, 2008

level design 16

been a while since i updated, but that does not mean i have not been working. admitedly not as hard as i should be, but its still working.
the main piece of work i have done is a tree. sound simple. it was not. took a lot of trial and error to maximise the detail while making it feasable for realtime remndering.

here is the trunk section. it has two trunks twined together.

the branches are alpha mapped planes.

foliage are planes of course.

here is a wire render. its about 3500 triangles. includingall the detail bits.

ivy and fungus details.

here is a grass model. it is only really three planes. it needs optimising. it was rendered out from a full high poly model. this method is very time consuming, but it looks good from any angle. always a problem with foliage.

a breakable chair model.

and the tire all finished.

we are a few weeks away from having something playable for people to test out. its tough to keep focused on the project at the moment, but when i see the screens up like this, its all worth while.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

level design 15

another day, another piece of 3D. today i was messing with billboards. its an old trick, telling the story of a game-world with posters etc. its a bit heavy handed, but in moderation works.
the billboard currently has an old 50's style advert on it. it will be replaced with something more game relevent at a later date.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

level design 14

for a break post-college, i have been putting together simple models that although needed, are not very exciting.
a mid-poly skip. all the parts will be made functional. the lid and the castors, so it can be used in a very dynamic way in-game. no textures as of yet. i will get them done sometime soon. not having college is sooo good.

next one is a low poly tire. so far the textures are just for testing purposes. i was focussing on the normal map.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Props and stuff 01

Wehey i'm finally finsihed college yup. Finished today and you'd think i'd be taking a break but no i've started doing some props and stuff thought i'd do a satellite dish Tim (irishlostboy) gave me a list of things to get cracking with in my own time so i couldn't resist getting stuck in.

Level design 13

ok, we finished college today. praise the lord. here are some new screenshots. not perfect, but we are getting there.

have some new sketches from agatha as well we will put up shortly.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

level design 12

Here's a building i've been working on for the last hour or so working on the texturing momentarily and trying to get a decent scheme going. This is part of a much larger part of buildings for a quad building section (A middle open section be it park or car park with buildings all surrounding it) This is the front part of it that'll be facing the street. i'm looking forward to have this section of buildings completed soon i will have it all done by tonight.

I will be working on sound and some props also and i have a paper to write on physics implementation (specifically traps) in our game.

Will put up some more images soon